_ Extreme Exercise and Heart Health By thirdAGE videoExtreme athletes are not at increased risk of heart disease or death.
_ Air Pollution and Autism Risk By thirdAGE videoPrenatal exposure to a certain air pollutant may increase autism risk in children.
_ Preventing Heart Failure By thirdAGE videoIncreasing physical activity may help prevent heart failure
_ Low Carbohydrate Diets Unsafe? By thirdAGE videoLow-carb diets may increase risk of premature death
_ Breastfeeding and Stroke Risk By thirdAGE videoBreastfeeding may lower woman’s risk of stroke later in life
_ Ever Wonder How Lung Cancer is Detected? By thirdAGE videoSimple blood test shows promise in detecting early-stage lung cancer, study finds.
_ Antidepressants and Weight By thirdAGE videoCommonly prescribed antidepressants increase the risk of weight gain for years, study finds.
_ ADHD Medication Problem? By thirdAGE videoIntentional and Unintentional Exposure to ADHD Drugs on the Rise, Study Finds.
_ Secondhand Marijuana Smoke By thirdAGE videoAre more children being exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke at home?
_ Marijuana and Your Heart By thirdAGE videoSmoking marijuana does not cause heart rhythm problems after heart attack, study finds.
_ E-cigarettes and Cancer-Causing Chemicals By thirdAGE videoTeens who use e-cigarettes are exposed to toxic compounds, study finds.
_ Fatty Fish and MS Risk By thirdAGE videoEating fish at least once a week may reduce your risk of MS, new study finds.
_ Diesel Exhaust and ALS Link? By thirdAGE videoFrequent exposure to diesel exhaust at work may increase risk of ALS, study finds.
_ Understanding Breast Cancer Treatment By thirdAGE videoMisconceptions and fears about radiation therapy for breast cancer
_ Childhood Obesity Epidemic Continues? By thirdAGE videoObesity in children 2 to 19 is not declining, new study finds.
_ Vaccines During Pregnancy By thirdAGE videoMore evidence that getting flu shot during pregnancy is safe, researchers say.
_ Low-Fat vs. Low-Carb Diets By thirdAGE videoBoth low-fat and low-carb diets shave off extra pounds in the same proportion, study finds.