Sex with Your Socks On: Unexpected Hacks for an Amazing Sex Life

This is another one that has stirred some pretty passionate debate: is it a super nerdy turn-off or super practical turn-on? Well, a study by Danish researchers found that women were 30% more likely to orgasm with their socks on than with their socks off. It turns out warm toes signal to the brain that the body is safe from danger, allowing the body to climax easier.

Is it just a myth that the funny guy gets the girl? Actually, there might be some scientific evidence to back that up. Psychology Today reports that humor outside the bedroom is often an indicator of intelligence, which in turn can make an individual more attractive inside the bedroom. Studies found that funnier people have – on average – more sex and more sexual partners than their stoic counterparts. Humor inside the bedroom can also have a positive effect, reducing stress and releasing feel-good hormones that bring the body closer to orgasm.

Scheduling sex can be a somewhat contentious topic, with some saying that it destroys the spontaneity and passion of lovemaking, and others saying that it’s a necessary step for keeping intimacy between busy partners. But we’re taking a middle of the road approach: schedule sex with your partner, but leave the details (where and how) unknown. This keeps some mystery and intrigue alive, but allows you to master the land of calendar mismatch.

If you’re thinking WTF is a pelvic floor, get ready for this: even though regular cardio can help us boost our mood and stay fit, hitting the elliptical everyday might not be the most effective way to shape-up our sex lives. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles below your belly button that help your bladder, bowel, and vagina do just about everything. Doing targeted exercises to strengthen these muscles can increase the intensity of orgasms and allow women to climax more easily. Perhaps you’ve already heard of the kegel? Check this specially designed app to aid your sex fitness journey, Kegel Camp if you want to learn more!

Despite every R&B song crooning about losing your breath to love and sex, it might actually work in your favor to keep it around if you’re looking for a better sex-perience. Many sex therapists believe that breathing can enhance orgasm quality for women and lead to longer-lasting erections for men. The trick? Finding which type of breathing works best for you. It could be deep, slow breaths, shallow, quick breaths, or no breath at all. Experiment with your partner and see what works.

Especially with tight schedules, it can be tempting to rush through sex with your partner. But leading sex-perts preach that taking it slow and staying away from goal-oriented sex can make the experience more enjoyable for both partners. Instead of focusing on climaxing, try instead to focus on different sensations. This gives great opportunity to try new positions, toys, and experiment with your partner. You might just find something new that gets you there!

If you can get past the anxiety of not having your phone by your side at all times (which is no small feat), then ditching technology could have a huge impact on your sex life. Researchers found that looking at your smartphones, or any screen for that matter, negatively impacts your ability to connect face-to-face with your loved ones. Without face-to-face connection, you miss out on a critical part of emotional intimacy with your partner. Smartphones and other devices can also be a portal to other social worlds or work obligations, drawing you away from your partner and clouding your mind.

Finally, a justification for your Pinterest habit. Redecorating your bedroom can help to set the mood and relax you and your partner, paving the way for great sex. For a soothing effect that inspires trust and loyalty, choose cool tones like whites, blues, and greens. To turn up the heat, go for passion-inducing colors like red and purple. To compliment the new colors, invest in soft, directional lighting. Avoid harsh lights, overheads, and anything fluorescent. Your sex life will thank you for it!

Even though cranking up the heat while you’re taking your clothes off might seem like a good idea, the warm temperature might interfere with your sexual performance. Studies show that excessively warm room temperatures (think 80 degrees or higher) can weaken a male erection. On the other hand, keeping the room too cool might limit your creativity for the sake of staying beneath the sheets. Opt instead for a middle of the road temperature between 68 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit.

Okay, maybe we shouldn’t even be putting this one here because it’s such a no-brainer—our bodies are at least 50% water and we can only last a few days without it. But… dehydration is actually one of the most common medical conditions, affecting an estimated 75% of Americans at any given time. And when you’re dehydrated, your body starts to pull water from other areas including your brain and sex organs, causing headaches, erectile dysfunction, a reduced libido, and painful sex. Getting the recommended amount of water per day, 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women, can prevent these frustrating side effects of dehydration and free your sex life. Plus, sex is a workout. So treat your bedroom like the gym and bring that water bottle along!