Fascinating Facts About Hemorrhoids

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Yes, it's true. 75% of people develop hemorrhoids at some stage in their life. In fact, by age fifty, 50% of people have had a hemorrhoid at least once. And they occur in both men and women, and are most common among adults ages 45 to 65.

Famous people have it.
Yes, Marilyn Monroe had hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids don't discriminate. It's true--they affect celebrities too. So whom might this list include? Marilyn Monroe, regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world, had bad hemorrhoids, a fact she tried hard to conceal from the public. And more recently, It was accidentally leaked to the public that George Clooney had a really bad case of hemorrhoids.

Presidents too.
News alert -- presidents are not immune. In fact, several American presidents suffered heavily from hemorrhoids. Two of the most notable include Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter. It was so bad for FDR that he suffered from anemia from it, while Jimmy Carter had to skidaddle early from a White House party early due to it.

Wait.. So what is a hemorrhoid, really?
Hemorrhoids don't sound fun, and for some us, that's all we need to know. But knowledge is power, so for those who've been in the dark, here it is: hemorrhoids are enlarged and swollen blood vessels located in the lower part of the rectum and the anus. These blood vessels become swollen due to increased pressure within them, which can, in turn, cause hemorrhoids. Some potential culprits include: straining when having a bowel movement (due to constipation or profuse diarrhea), pregnancy, obesity, prolonged sitting, IBD, and more. Now you know :)

Fast facts about hemorrhoids in the USA:
In a nutshell, there are: one million cases every year, 83,333 per month, 19,230 per week, 2,739 per day, 144 per hour, 2.4 per minute, and .04 per second. Wow, right?

Some are more likely than others to get hemorrhoids, can you guess who?
Life isn't always fair--and to illustrate that point, some are more likely to get hemorrhoids than others. So who's the lucky bunch? Caucasians are 10 times more likely to get hemorrhoids than African Americans. And older folks are at increased risk, along with pregnant women and new moms. As well, pregnant and new moms are also at higher risk of developing hemorrhoids. Since risk rises as one ages, older Caucasians better watch out!

Dangers of dawdling in the loo
Put away that newspaper and stop checking your phone when on the pot. Why? Turns out sitting on the toilet too long can actually lead to hemorrhoids. So if you are one of those people who like to dawdle in the loo – you may be increasing your chances of getting hemorrhoids. So save War and Peace for snuggling on the couch!

Hemorrhoid are ancient history… literally.
Contrary to popular belief, hemorrhoids are not a modern disease. In fact, they have existed for thousands of years, with numerous mentions in various recorded ancient tablets and scrips. And now, a notable fact about this matter: the first recorded treatment for hemorrhoids was written on Egyptian papyrus scroll, with instructions for how to prepare an ointment made from ground acacia leaves. It was dated at 1700 BC, which goes to show that this pain in the rear goes way back.

Greek origins…
While hemorrhoids themselves originate in our nether regions, the word “hemorrhoid” has Greek origins — with the words “haima”, meaning blood, and “rhoos”, meaning flowing. The esteemed ancient Greek medical philosopher, Hippocrates, tackled this ailment, describing it as bile or phlegm in the rectum.

And there is a patron saint!?!
Yes. Amazing, right? Many illnesses have saints assigned to them, and hemorrhoid sufferers, not to be outdone, also have their own patron saint! His name? St. Fiacre of Breuil. Born in Ireland in the 7th century, Fiacre was raised in a monastery. During the Dark Ages, monasteries were centers of learning and knowledge, and it is here that Fiacre became a famed herbalist and healer, with disciples coming to flock to him from far and wide. And the hemorrhoids? He was known to possess great skill in treating them…

Myth: I eat plenty of fiber so I don’t ever have to worry about hemorrhoids.
Fact: It's true that eating fiber is one of the best things you can do to help prevent hemorrhoids from developing, but eating habits are not the only factor to think about. You have to consider your drinking habit, and we don't mean wine intake! in addition to continuing to eat plenty of fiber, be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water every day if you want to help keep the hemorrhoids away!